Logitech Engineering

Electrical and Automation Engineering - Since 2001

Machine Guarding

Stem Cutter

Machine Guarding & AS:4024 Compliance

In May 2017, Logitech Engineering assisted MHO Infrastructure to certify a new Stem Cutter machine for Pacific Aluminium at the Boyne Island Smelter (BSL) to satisfy AS:4024 Category III machine safety compliance. By combining guarding with proximity sensors and redundancy, the machine is now much safer to operate. A comprehensive risk assessment and compliance test was conducted for every conceivable operating condition and failure mode.

Safety Interlocking

Safety Keylock

Safety Interlocks and AS:4024 Compliance

Trapped Key Safety Interlocks are virtually fool-proof in preventing incorrect switching of electrical equipment, and controlling access to unsafe areas. Logitech Engineering can design Key Exchange systems and conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to suit any application. We have recently commissioned a smart loading bay lockout system which prevents trucks from moving while loading operations are in progress.

Mechanical Interlocking

Safety Interlocks

Electrical and Mechanical Interlocks

When working on any piece of electrical equipment, the objective is to always maintain two air-gaps. Mechanically interlocked Earth Switches for MCCs are used when a feeder cell needs to be removed to access out-going terminations, or to provide additional safety for workers by Earthing the feeder cables connected to downstream equipment.
High Voltage switching programs are mandatory for any HV switching task, but should always be supplemented by mechanical and electrical interlocking in cases of fault or switching errors.

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